While you were causally browsing through the pulse feeds, the first thing that got your attention was the Knock Knock title. You suddenly felt like this post wants to visit you, and you should stop by. Then the very next thing that sealed your attention to this, this image of someone knocking on the door, which visibly knocked on your subconscious that you must have a go on this post.
And that's the whole idea. An image, and a loud text. That is VISUAL MEDIA. Just assume what could have been the effect if this had an AUDIO knock as well.
In every phase of your working life, every day while dealing with your customers, your employees, while providing training to your group, this is an absolute fact that you have to say a thousand words (not literally). And then many times you feel like, why have you done that tiring work? For what? Just to see the still confused expressions of your audience?
And I just want to say here, "1 picture can tell a 1000 words". Embrace Audio-Visual media and Animations to turn your important corporate communications and training materials into absolute success. Every time.
That's the Future.